Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pasta Cases

Pasta Cases command ten. In losten blaze this mirror’s bound in haze, in bright sunlight this mirror is still. Pasta Paste, without any menu mileage. Well . IF.
when down they prance to the apple river, yes I took it. The aPPle Miles are have n’t
come easily. Bash Bash shi she

Bash Bash


Fur Thwith Fur Thwith

Fellows I’d Call You

fith then

FILF fith then. thn fith FLIF

filf fifth then filthe fifth then filth fifth fifteen and so on they lift or overwhite ways

I gave him such a hard time guess we all know What I Was jealousy Gave
and what I know

Jealousy Gave It Gives and
Gives and Gives and Gives
There Gives and Gives and
Their Guilt and somebody
Hillucced ThehT pains and

Hello Fifteen?

Am I supposed to do something now
In Jerseying Pom Pomming largening

Is there something I should put these in. You know maybe for safekeeping

Molly makes it in mid haze’d leeps I told her she should be careful in there

From withered country counters Willucked he told me Will sit across from me

He tolls me. and tolls me so. Molly makes it happy in wizard leaps. Molly MALL

now that we’re frozen up, is there someplace I should put these an envelope or something
She pictures enveloping while fingering cellophane. Cell Brains, Biology she thinks now
Cell, brains, biology. And furrowed winks. Counters don’t normally wilt. And swollen t
H=House minus C. HI C the High C and the high seas.
All billows in saturn sinks. “Fellows, the Link! flails such ink!

Sweet Launch Ramp

in reference to

referential people sya corsica

blaithely sindustry and wish concocts in mist

so if a = nada C Plasta T must = outright outcries. with. in.swat

so if major Dee is Minus T, I must crouch you over my knee. not playful. exacting

Sweet Launch Ramp