Monday, September 13, 2010

Worthwhile Excerpts

Something my yoga teacher sent, try the homework after reading what Eknath Easwaran said:

This week in class we are considering the topic “Meditation is Drilling.”

After a lot of sustained, systematic effort in meditation, we may finally succeed in breaking through the surface crust of
consciousness. What lies below is the unconscious, which has many layers - strata on strata deposited by habits of thinking
and acting, little by little, every day of our life. Drilling through these strata in meditation means overcoming limitations, all
the obstacles created by self-will: the fierce, driving compulsion to have our own way, get what we want, stamp ourselves
separate from the rest of life. The biggest leap in meditation comes when we run headlong and throw ourselves over the rim
of all duality to land in the unitive state, where nothing is separate. This state is shanti, perfect peace.

- Eknath Easwaran

The homework is to notice when you have thoughts or behaviors that create the feeling of being separate from the rest of the
world. Noticing when your self-will encourages you to entertain these ideas or actions is the first step towards taking the big
leap towards unity.

Worthwhile Excerpts

Something Frank Said:

the mind is like a rushing stream. and there's all kinds of sediment in it. and i find myself getting caught up trying to grab hold of this or that piece of thought dirt as it rushes past. what i try to do in meditation is realize that this grasping is fruitless, and just let the sediment rush as it will down the river.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

My honest holy honey

Baltimore dreams. Baltimore dreams is a commonplace book. I am a teacher. Baltimore dreams is a teacher.

Sunny Sunday.

My honest holy honey on a sunny Sunday.

"girls, diamonds and tricked-out cars"

The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

psychology of the screen, the computer, the low light hologram

We seem to have made computers in the image of some blissful, entrancing light and a power beyond ourselves (which I suppose they are nowadays), like we're moths to their porchlight. We chose to put technology on a glowing screen like it's some kind of luminescent angel. They speak of computer monitors going three dimensional using holograms. I've seen interpretations or artist visions of how the holograms might look and the holographic technology is always glowing too, the recorded messages left in Star Wars for instance (or was it Star Trek?), were glowing from the inside like a heavenly ghost. Why? Wouldn't it be nice to have our computers transmit to us on our own plain, in a way that's more natural to absorb, maybe with less staring? Then monitoring and working might not give me as much of a headache as it does with the screens everyone uses today. The screen stare feels a bit like a mild lobotomy to me. We don't glow; why should our technology? It just puts us in an armchair to be deer in headlights, there's a certain intimidating or at least awe-inspiring factor about staring at a screen.

Doesn't making things glow more use more light, more energy? Would it not only conserve but be more comforting on the eyes, the brainwaves and the psyche to make these supposedly imminent hologram monitors matte or natural tone with an intuitive number of frames per second or frequency, a luminance from our own plain, resembling our everyday surroundings and surfaces? How about even our flat screens, could we make something that was more ink and paper-like, and most likely much less toxic? I'm not sure how bad flat screen technology is in the Mt. Trashmores of our planet but I can't imagine it's great for the soil, water, or air. Unfortunately I still don't credit quite enough people to think that everyone is dumping/recycling their flat screens responsibly (however that's done). Correct me if I'm wrong there you'd make my day. Statistics anyone, percentages?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pasta Cases

Pasta Cases command ten. In losten blaze this mirror’s bound in haze, in bright sunlight this mirror is still. Pasta Paste, without any menu mileage. Well . IF.
when down they prance to the apple river, yes I took it. The aPPle Miles are have n’t
come easily. Bash Bash shi she

Bash Bash


Fur Thwith Fur Thwith

Fellows I’d Call You

fith then

FILF fith then. thn fith FLIF

filf fifth then filthe fifth then filth fifth fifteen and so on they lift or overwhite ways

I gave him such a hard time guess we all know What I Was jealousy Gave
and what I know

Jealousy Gave It Gives and
Gives and Gives and Gives
There Gives and Gives and
Their Guilt and somebody
Hillucced ThehT pains and

Hello Fifteen?

Am I supposed to do something now
In Jerseying Pom Pomming largening

Is there something I should put these in. You know maybe for safekeeping

Molly makes it in mid haze’d leeps I told her she should be careful in there

From withered country counters Willucked he told me Will sit across from me

He tolls me. and tolls me so. Molly makes it happy in wizard leaps. Molly MALL

now that we’re frozen up, is there someplace I should put these an envelope or something
She pictures enveloping while fingering cellophane. Cell Brains, Biology she thinks now
Cell, brains, biology. And furrowed winks. Counters don’t normally wilt. And swollen t
H=House minus C. HI C the High C and the high seas.
All billows in saturn sinks. “Fellows, the Link! flails such ink!

Sweet Launch Ramp

in reference to

referential people sya corsica

blaithely sindustry and wish concocts in mist

so if a = nada C Plasta T must = outright outcries. with. in.swat

so if major Dee is Minus T, I must crouch you over my knee. not playful. exacting

Sweet Launch Ramp

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What I heard, Union's state in onion peels.

ward with reform efforts
Do not look like our own.
citizens of iran, america respects you
With a free and democratic iran

as if blue eyes of father hood.
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap

we will not sit back and be hit again
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap

america need smore
every year of my presidency, reduce eiliminate perform poorly
big shit eating grin.
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap

and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap
and stand and clap

a very nice row of people cover the first right two rows with hands folded right up front and they do not move to clap.
I stand and clap
I stand and clap
I stand and clap
I stand and clap

meet immediate
needs fellow citizens excluded. upward mobility. own home, start a business. [can everyone have their own business?]
fiftyone minutes from start to finish.
"camera shot was clearly showing a gulf . democrats were saying, 'we just plain disagree.'"

compettivie initiative, give our nation's children a firm grounding in math and science, double the federal commitment in the , america's most creative minds, nano-technology, super computers. { this man is like a pane of glass, a modern one, you can see through him with absolutely no distortion.}

wait does he have blue eyes, he's always squinting so hard with his over-dramatic sincerity it's hard to say. Expand the education of girls. {wait who, girls?! Just girls?}
oh stand and clap
just stand and clap
stand and clap now.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Night before last, two dream sections. See iCal for July 13, 2005.

July 14, 2005
Last night three or four sections.

Dreams are always murky, that’s why I like them so much, this is not to say that they cannot be or that they were not clear last night. In their murkiness, their propensity for the surreal, they are some of the most lucid experiences I’ve ever had.
Dreams embody a languor similar to the one I attempted to describe to Malek yesterday when I expressed the effect and/or importance of James Lavadour paintings. His landscapes are far from realistic and far from impressionistic as the genre manifested itself at the time of its development, but they are a kind of new impressionism in that they emit a feeling more than a graphic representation of a subject. Considering images (paintings, photographs, and engravings) are two dimensional objects and constructed of pigments or crystals alone and that they cannot therefore fool a viewer into thinking that they are actually seeing anything other than a two dimensional representation, impressionism was on the right track. Impressionism is the closest painting has come to providing a real experience, outside of the analytical activity of reading into symbols or the most rudimentary critic’s job of assessing skill level. James Lavadour, with his dripping images, has merely to suggest the form of a rock to invoke a feeling that is, in my experience, more similar to standing in front of a rock than any photo realist painter has ever managed.
The “murkiness” of dreams is what gives them their power. After all how do most clairvoyants achieve their visions? They achieve them through trance, dream or from some other perspective entirely different from the consciousness most of us inhabit in our waking hours. What I hope to communicate here might merely be to understand for myself why it is that in all my art, writing, and experiences I wish to inhabit and then evoke a space of cloudy dreaminess. This has been the case from the beginning of my interest in art. (In seventh grade I was lucky enough to come across the band, “Cocteau Twins”, and with their ethereal melodies and imperceptible lyrics, I think it was the closest to touching magic I had yet been).

Monday, May 30, 2005

skinned and bleeding, but still moving.

may I skin you. I'd like to wear you. and this is not a sexy desire. hmm. cruel?

I will skin your baby pup. I will not eat him. I will not use him. just his lovely coat. I'll leave him be after that. won't even put him out of his suffering, not even for you. I will skin you, we have always skinned you. we used to kill you. that's a waste of energy now.
It is more interesting to allow this essence of massive suffering to linger in the world. it's what keeps us alive? No I think it's just a shortcut. I hate humans, what does j.lo know. she's just a lonely star. lost in the forest of human dreams.

step on neck
leave curling in agony infinitum
get dressed for oscars.

View links below to see inspiration.

Why drug companies, tyson chicken, and most of our policies are not okay


Why Fur is not Okay
